Wednesday, January 13, 2010

newspaper goo goo, marketing gaga

The Fulcrum beat me to the punch, but I will blog my thoughts anyway.

The Lady Gaga themed posters all over campus are obnoxious and/or disgusting. I'll let you decide which.

Firstly, SFUO fame is not fame. Hey non-involved students, stop me when you hear a name you recognize. Mélanie Lefebvre. Jocelyne Turner. Adrienne De La Rosa. Brigitte Noel. Danika Brisson. Michele Lamarche. No? Most of you have only heard of Michele, if any? Even Danika is already a stretch? Hmm. Usually fame lasts a little while. You'd think the names of VPs Student Affairs over the past seven years would ring some bells.

Secondly, fame or power or money (LULZ) or resume padding are NOT good, valid reasons to run for a position in student government. Student leaders should be there because they want to defend the rights and interests of students, not for personal gain. If an elected student politician forgets that it is the students that put him there to serve the students, then the politician will be taught that it is the students who can remove her.

Thirdly, the posters are not even well-designed. They're ugly and blend in with all the other posters on the wall. I barely noticed them enough to get offended and blog.

I'm not sure who is responsible for this, but I hope that whoever designed the elections website does the next batch of posters.

That's all I got. Read the editorial I mentioned for moar bitchinz on this topic.


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