All of the cool executives are doing it. Runnenn away, that is.
Leaderaction/Arts Retreat is good for inter-executive bondage, and for general learnins, but not for making any plans nor any progress. Student governments need to make a plan for the year, to figure out where the individuals and the unit as a whole are going and how they will get there. Without a plan, you won't really get anywhere. Some execs don't plan. Others try and do it in an exec meeting. But that's not a friendly situation inviting discussion and a desire to keep listening as your meeting drags into the late afternoon. There's a reason people complain about attending snake meetings.
Whether you go to the cottage or home of one of your executives, spend an afternoon in a city park, or pitch a tent in the woods of Navan, I'd like to ask all you execs to get out of your offices, get to know each other, relax, and then make a real plan. Do it for your students, yo. Or at the very least, do it for the good press you'll get from the bloggers. Kudos to the ESS and to the CSSA who had such planning sessions last weekend.
Executive planning retreats. It starts here.
Written by someone who has clearly not been to an ARTS retreat, or let alone, knows half about what they are talking about.