I made it to the asp python cobra boa on Sunday. Sorry about that confusion - I've about had it with these mother fucking snakes in these mother fucking names.
Anyway, as you might expect, shenanigans were abound. Though not nearly as many as you may have grown to expect from the BOA. My personal favourite would have to be the motion to order pizza - debated for 8 minutes, then voted down - with a roll call. Which made Seamus call Peter Flynn a communist. I didn't realize we still had cold war bigotry going on.
Nearly as good was Arpie Gee, who - imagine his audacity - brought a bottle of water to the BOA. And he's not even on the board, just proxying. Needless to say, Seamus wanted to eat him. Keep your eyes open next full moon - it still might actually happen.
Speaking of eating, during his executive update, Ted Horton informed us that he is eating well and sleeping regularly. That's certainly a load off my mind. Another relief came in these updates: VP Comm Julie Seguin and her team have finally figured out how to use the online calendar. Now we might actually see a mild amount of usefulness to the SFUO website. Maybe. There's also talk of a sweet new SFUO website on its way - I will believes it when I sees it.
Not so relieving was Seamus's idea of a good roundtable. He said in his update that the first PRT went well - there were six presidents who showed up, the meeting lasted all of a half hour, and nothing was accomplished. Seamus just told everyone what they should think about before the next meeting. Maybe that went "smoothly," but I certainly wouldn't say "well." Unless they held the meeting while chilling in an aquifer. Then you could say it went well.
Chartwells is getting rid of all styrofoam on campus. They're planning to store to-go food in sheepskin bags instead. Lots of extra animal deaths, unless they intend to start serving lots of lamb chops. But on the upside, you can grab dinner at the caf, wash the container, and eliminate the need to buy condoms. Safe for the environment and for your sexual health. Thanks, Chartwells!
Arpie had lots to say this meeting, as usual. Before quoting Aristotle to nominate Scott Bedard for an appointment to the Policy and By-law Committee, he offended the room with angry talks of SFUO accountability and a need for better translation. How dare he. Sure, they're good, necessary things, but you don't need to bring them up at the board, douche bag! Or, less sarcastically, you could at least be a little more respectful when you do.
Nearly all of the meeting beyond exec updates was committee appointments and motions being tabled until next time. If sitting on committees was a contest, which it obviously is, the winners would be:
Most committees appointments held by a Director: Roxanne Dubois / Seamus Wolfe (5)
Most committees appointments held by a non-exec Director: Brandon Bay (4)
Most appointments to regularly meeting committees: Khadijah Kanji (3)
Most times nominated for a committee: Richard "me again" Mah (9)
Most failed attempts to get onto a committee: Dick Mah (7)
Number of Directors who sit on no committee: 7
Most cleavage: Amy Kishek (surprised?)
Sad, bored, and a sucker for punishment: Dick Mah, who actually explained that to the Board in one of his many self-nominations
Best blog: Fed For Thought
By the way, if you're looking for boring actual details of the event, check out the linked blogs to the right (and get out of mine! what do you think I am, a journalist?!).
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