Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I'm excited for tomorrow. Here's something I'd love to see though: BOA debates. Where are they?

Things I'd ask Bay:
- Why no posters? Are you not trying, jackass? I haven't seen a class presentation yet, but that might be my course schedule. I'll give him a few more days for that.
- How are you gonna do all that in one year and one board seat? It sounds more like an exec platform than a BOA one.

Things I'd ask Javed:
- Do you understand what the BOA *is*? It seems like you're running for VP Academic of the ESS with a platform like that. Good ideas, wrong place to put them in action.
- ...what else have you done on campus? I've neither heard of you nor been able to find a list of past involvements on your website or posters.

I'd also just love to see them fight to the death. Then I'd go watch the debates for BOA: SS get even more ragey. Alas, the Elections Office offers me none of that.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, we need to have BOA debates!

    I'd love for PIDSSA to step up and organize one for the Social Science candidates.
