Wednesday, February 10, 2010

relay in the face

Executive candidates noted missing from the pie in the face fundraiser for Relay for Life:
- Sidney Loko

BOA candidates who actually participated (because the list is smaller):
- Logan Ouellette
- Martin Schoots-McAlpine
- Brandon Bay
- Peter Flynn
- Iain Brannigan
- Amanda Marochko
- Amanda Iarusso
- Sameena Topan
- Andrei Huranchyk

Noticed at the event, but did not participate:
- Danika Brisson
- Bassam Javed

Assuming we want actually get to vote tomorrow, cast your votes for the above poor sport candidates so that they can suck all the fun and life out of the SFUO.

Oh wait. That would be awful. Don't do that.

I suppose I've endorsed candidates for three BOA races then. Take what you will.


  1. Andrei Huranchyk10 February, 2010 01:56

    I would like to note that I did participate. And got plenty of sweet pies in my face. Savva, Steves, and St-Amour got some from me as well.

    -Andrei Huranchyk

  2. Andrei has a huge trooper last night and got a bunch of pies in his face! He was just a bit late, so he went up after the Social Sciences BOA candidates. Thanks for coming out Andrei!

  3. Sorry, Andrei! I saw you there giving out pies, but didn't see you taking any. I've moved you to the list of love.

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