Wednesday, February 10, 2010

relay in the face

Executive candidates noted missing from the pie in the face fundraiser for Relay for Life:
- Sidney Loko

BOA candidates who actually participated (because the list is smaller):
- Logan Ouellette
- Martin Schoots-McAlpine
- Brandon Bay
- Peter Flynn
- Iain Brannigan
- Amanda Marochko
- Amanda Iarusso
- Sameena Topan
- Andrei Huranchyk

Noticed at the event, but did not participate:
- Danika Brisson
- Bassam Javed

Assuming we want actually get to vote tomorrow, cast your votes for the above poor sport candidates so that they can suck all the fun and life out of the SFUO.

Oh wait. That would be awful. Don't do that.

I suppose I've endorsed candidates for three BOA races then. Take what you will.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

how you should vote

The SFUO makes a habit of telling you how to vote. It's AppleDave's turn.

Today you will vote for:



Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Candidate Videos

Thanks to an anonymous comment on my previous post (good thing I enabled those!), we now know that candidate videos are being posted at least to YouTube. Perhaps to the Elections Website soon? We'll see.


uPass - final thoughts

I'm voting in favour, but do not expect a majority of students to. Here's why:
  • Students who are "forced" to buy the pass "might as well use it," and will experience the nice parts of the city they would not have otherwise.
  • For that reason, I don't feel they're subsidizing the transportation of other students, but are having a door to the city opened. Ottawa is more than just Bank St to Range Rd to the Market to Lees Ave, folks.
  • It'll make intercampus events more accessible to the general population of students, so we can encourage students to go to events at Carleton/Algonquin/La Cité and they actually will
  • It's carbon neutral - changing the primary mode of transportation of as many drivers as cyclists
  • The fee increase is negligable - it's only the price of textbooks.
  • It's a *universal* pass, so you can even bus to Navan or Richmond if you want some hot sauce or... whatever Richmond has to offer
  • Ridership on the bus will increase, which means the routes will be improved instead of stripped away like is likely happening for the summer
  • and selfishly, I will save money as I am a student who buses to school.

However, the "Yes" campaign should not have included "save money" as a platform point. They're just going to agitate the already skeptical Sandy Hill annd Residence students and lose a large portion of the vote. For that, and the lack of an opt-out, it's going to get shot down, unfortunately.

My ONLY complaint will arise if the "no opt-out" policy includes students on out-of-town work terms or student exchange. While it's assumed that that will be the case, we'll see what happens if and when it's implemented.

By the by, I hate the argument that this is contradictory for our campaign to lower tuition fees. It's not. We're working to make education more accessible, not cut funding to student services on campus. If we can one day talk the governments into paying for our tuition AND funding the SFUO and the uPass, that'd be thrilling, but let's do one thing at a time people.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I'm excited for tomorrow. Here's something I'd love to see though: BOA debates. Where are they?

Things I'd ask Bay:
- Why no posters? Are you not trying, jackass? I haven't seen a class presentation yet, but that might be my course schedule. I'll give him a few more days for that.
- How are you gonna do all that in one year and one board seat? It sounds more like an exec platform than a BOA one.

Things I'd ask Javed:
- Do you understand what the BOA *is*? It seems like you're running for VP Academic of the ESS with a platform like that. Good ideas, wrong place to put them in action.
- ...what else have you done on campus? I've neither heard of you nor been able to find a list of past involvements on your website or posters.

I'd also just love to see them fight to the death. Then I'd go watch the debates for BOA: SS get even more ragey. Alas, the Elections Office offers me none of that.

that's a paddlin'

The Disciplinary Committee hasn't yet been called to action, but this blogger expects to see surely Amalia Savva and perhaps also Amy Hammett given the big boot awfully soon for their breaking of the constitution. Maybe there'll be some end-of-year impeachments too. I love dramas.

I just hope whatever's going down happens before votes are cast, otherwise we may be holding a by election next month...

side lulz

Seamus Wolfe was arrested shortly before 13h00 today. He was released and charged with criminal swearing. Word on the street is that it was Marc Kelly related. Maybe he's not running for Prez, but he's certainly not gone either.

<3 Marc. I wish you would return my calls.

Update! La Rotonde has more on the story.