Saturday, October 24, 2009

old lamps for new

Former VP Social Matt Joseph was denied a return to the BOA by the students in Common Law. Former VP Social candidate Alex Chaput was welcomed with eight sets of open arms to the job he almost earned last winter. Former Presidential candidate Tyler Steeves continues to win seats everywhere but the SFUO Exec, and he just might get the big job next year if he keeps up the reputation building he's got going on. It seems like the Socialist Party of Campus might not survive another election.

But you already know that. Other bloggers feed you news or gossip. Fed For Thought feeds you lulz and exaggerations. However, you may not know that at yesterday's meeting, two members of the CSSA Executive have tendered their resignations. In two weeks time it will be official, bringing them to five vacant positions. If you're a computer scientist looking to get involved, this looks like a good time.

Lulz: Their executive *still* consists of six members, which is half again the number of filled positions it had two years ago. Under Christopher Millward's presidency, there were merely four executive members. Also, word on the street is that all the drama down south is over a girl. Silly awkward nerd boys. You shouldn't let the vaginal sex interfere with business.

One last thing: I received an email from someone(s) calling himself/herself/themselves "Hikin," indicating that "big things are coming", and you should all "watch the horse." What horse? The Gee-Gee? The zodiac year of the horse, coming in 2014? The Rideau Carleton Raceway? The uO Equestrian Club? Some other horse entirely? Do we even have an Equestrian Club? So many questions, so few answers. I'm at least as curious as you are.

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