If I waited til tomorrow, I could say I hadn't blogged in a month. I'm taking that away from me. I'm such a dream-killer.
Why the lack of updates you ask? The summer isn't nearly as exciting as the elections were. Probably because how little else goes on besides constant planning. Still, there's enough n00z for an update once every just-under-a-month.
Now. I blog. I write. Computers to donate words for those students scholarly reading weblogger ado in the internet. Keep Seamus in review. Type til the executif has no visible shortfall about ... it.
That was some blog poetry for pi approximation day. Now to get serial.
As you have heard from the other bloggers I am sure, our new Marketing Assistant is a CFS cultist from Sudbury, our Federation speaks English as flawlessly as they speak French, and the last BOA wasn't terribly blog-worthy except for a mild outbreak of heterosexism, which is sexually transmitted, by the way. That, and the horrible case of privatization I caught from a wild night with Larry. I'm still trying to wash that off.
What you may not have heard is the latest scandals behind the scenes.
My favourite? Ted Horton is pregnant, and doesn't know who the mother is.
He isn't the first male politician to carry a child, nor the first to have a terrible movie made about it, but he might be the first to require a maternity test. I'll have to do a little more research.
Confused? Understandably. Men don't usually carry children. But according to ancestry.com, Ted's great great great great grandfather had a child out of wedlock with a seahorse. Apparently the bastard somehow ended up human enough in appearance to attract a woman, and Ted inherited his childbearing hips from this lineage.
Until the deal to partner with the administration is finalized, Mr. Horton is the SFUO's bike sharing program. Even yours truly has to give a blood sample because I might be the other parent. Results aren't expected until mid-September, which if he decides to keep the child, will be into his second trimester.
The other major scandal of late is that Roxanne might be embezzling. At the very least she's redirecting almost half of what should be levied to the federated bodies elsewhere. The money allocated for federated bodies this year is 44% lower* than it was last year, which she attributes to a 5% decrease in the estimated number of incoming students. That doesn't even pretend to make sense. She also claims that the numbers from last year were wrong. But she was VP Finance last year too. So she either made a massive error and gave tens of thousands of dollars too many to the Fed bodies last year and perhaps should have been impeached for it, or she's making a massive error right now and, depending where it turns out that money is disappearing to, should be impeached for it. Hmm... you're making quite a mess for yourself, Roxy. We're all waiting to hear what this business is all about.
*The "44% lower" figure comes from the budget approved by the BOA, but the fed body VPs Finance are getting a lot of variance about what their numbers and levy will be. Every time she's asked she has new news for them, and usually it's that they have less money than she'd promised previously.
In other news, a BOA director is trying to take over The Fulcrum. Good thing we have all these bloggers now to keep the student politicians in line while the mainstream media has its puppet strings attached. Better thing that we bloggers have bloggers to keep us in line. But who will blog the bloggers' bloggers? Or blog those bloggers' bloggers' bloggers?
I won't say any more about the Fulcrum business though. I'll leave that to Ken Joly to better know this evil director.
I'd like to take a quick (and rare) moment of actual seriousness though to toss my sympathies out to the Fed exec and staff as many of them are close to Sunday night's tragedy. My bloggy heart goes out to you.
- AppleDave